Episode 33: What Happens in Dream Group? This. (a projective dreamwork group hosted by Leilani Navar)

Dreamers Den Podcast Episode 33 What Happens in Dream Group? This. A projective dreamwork group hosted by Leilani Navar thedreamersden.org

I could try to describe group dreamwork to you. Why we do it, what it’s like, how wow’d and moved I am every time. But I couldn’t do it justice. There’s nothing else like this. I couldn’t have imagined it before I’d taken part, no matter how it was explained. 

A current dream group member who’s been loving our time together was thinking along these lines, and suggested that I record a dream group session. She’s relatively new to dreamwork and remembers a not-so-distant past when she was curious about dreams, but had no idea why she’d talk about them in a group – and maybe, some of you are in that place, too.

For this session, Steve Ernenwein (host of The Dreams that Shape Us podcast) shares a recent dream with me and three other members. He knew it was a big dream, but still, we opened something deeper than he expected. You’ll get to hear how each member of the group contributes questions and reflections (in the “projective dreamwork” format) that help Steve on his way to the a-ha’s of this dream.

It takes him a little bit by surprise – but then again, the dreams always surprise us, so at least being surprised isn’t a surprise.

If you’ve been curious about what a dream group with me is like, considering “projective dreamwork” for your own group, or if it intrigues you to hear five people connect about dreams and to listen to someone in a growth and healing process, as he becomes the man and the father he wants to be… then this one’s for you.

I’m going to leave my written words there. Dream group is hard to describe, and that’s why this episode exists. So, enough reading. Click Play and dive in with us.

Click Play above to listen now. You can also listen on your favorite podcast platform by clicking one of these links: Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherVurbl, or iHeartRadio.

Steve’s podcast, co-hosted with J.M. DeBord: The Dreams that Shape Us

Dr. Fanny Brewster’s book: The Racial Complex: A Jungian Perspective on Culture and Race

My slides about Projective Dreamwork: Click Here


  1. Stephanie on July 26, 2021 at 12:22 am

    As a participant in this dream work session, listening to it again on this recording brings back the same feeling of blessed awe to be present when the experience gets real, hearts open and love touches deep inside and heals. Steve’s courage in not turning away, but allowing himself to stay with the process though it was laying him so open and vulnerable was truly inspiring for me. Thank you all.

    • Leilani Navar on July 28, 2021 at 6:56 pm

      Yes, it got real and hearts opened! Thank you so much for being there with us and bringing your heart to it too, Stephanie. So grateful to Steve for opening up like that, and to you, Denise, and Jenny for showing up the way you did.

  2. Kat on July 31, 2021 at 2:53 am

    I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this group session and was delighted the dreamer was able to come to know the message that was being given to him from his dream.

    • Leilani Navar on August 10, 2021 at 12:41 am

      Thanks for listening, Kat! Yes, it was so wonderful to hear Steve reach those understandings, and hear them strike chords for me too.

  3. Billie C Ortiz on July 31, 2021 at 7:01 pm

    This is such a powerfully intimate example of group projective dreamwork! Thank you to all who participated and especially to the dreamer, Steve, for sharing his open heart. Also, brilliant insights from all of the dreamworkers in attendance!

    • Leilani Navar on August 10, 2021 at 12:44 am

      Thank you so much for listening, Billie! And for the kind words — you would be one to know all about powerful group projective dreamwork! Thank you for everything you’ve taught me and guided so many dreamers through over the years. I’d love to hear your insights on this dream too.